Sailor Moon: Spiral Heart Moon Rod Black Eyeliner

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I thought I already collected all the Sailor Moon Black Eyeliner collection when I got the Moon Rod last year. Sadly, I am mistaken. I went to Hong Kong last January and I saw at Sasa that there are two new rods! The newest is this Spiral Heart Moon Rod and another one for Chibi Moon's Rod. I did not buy the rod of Chibi Moon because I am only collecting the ones from Sailor Moon. 

I think this is the third rod of Sailor Moon if I can remember it correctly. I am glad that Bandai releases the rods in sequence too on their black eye liners. 

I did not reviewed the eyeliner again because it is already the same. The covers are just what makes the rods different. For my post of the first rod and detailed review, read it here. For the Moon Rod, you can check it out here

It is amazing how Bandai can copy the details of the rods on the anime on actual products and it is just not any toy, they can copy it in details to something as small as the stick of an eyeliner. 

Now, I have the three of them! I wish I can collect the next one too! Oh, I got it from Sasa as 129HK$ (around 800php). It is a little expensive compared when you get it from Japan. 

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