Daiso: Makeup Brush Cleaner

Monday, April 13, 2015


One bottle (150ml) is 88php

Brush cleaners can be quite expensive. That is why I always stick to my do it yourself brush cleaner. My do it yourself brush cleaner contains a small amount of baby shampoo, a few drops of dish washing liquid then add some conditioner. The shampoo is used to completely remove the residue on the brushes, the dish washing liquid is to remove the oils left behind by the makeup and the conditioner is to make the brush strands smoother and softer. The problem with my do it yourself cleaner, it still makes the bristles dry even with more amount of conditioner added.

When I saw a this on Daiso and as per endorsed by many makeup artists, it is affordable and works perfectly. I knew I had to get my hands on this and try it first hand. Finding one is difficult, it is always out on stock but I managed to get a few bottles at Robinson's Metroeast Branch last year. However, last month I went there and it was out on stock again just like any other branches.

Now, let me share to you my experience with this brush cleaner from Daiso. The bottle is plastic and the cap is easily opened. Be careful on not to store it upside down as the liquid is very thin and can easily spill. 

According to the directions on the bottle, you have to pour the liquid in a dish or bowl and let your brush swirl over it until the residue on your brushes be completely removed. I tried using it alone and followed the instructions but it did not clean my brushes the way I expected it to do.

It is a good thing that I also bought the silicone egg that day from Daiso. (For the review of the Daiso silicone egg, click the link here.) With the soaked brush I rubbed it onto the silicone egg and it cleaned my brush better. However, it did not completely removed the stain and I wanted my brush to look like on its original color. I tried using large amount of liquid and it still did not clean the brushes completely.

Musing over it, I realized that my do it yourself brush cleaner does a better job in cleaning. Look at the photos of comparison below.

Used with Daiso Makeup Brush Cleaner

Used with DIY Brush Cleaner

However, after a few tries on cleaning up my brushes I came up with the conclusion that I still need both of them. My do it yourself cleaner works perfect for cleaning my brushes however it makes the strands dry. Now, I have a next step after cleaning my brushes, I soak my newly cleaned brushes for at least 10-15 minutes on the Daiso Brush Cleaner and the bristles soft and smooth. 

In the end, I will still buy the Daiso Makeup Remover but for the reason to keep my brushes soft. When I have more budget, I will venture in trying out more expensive brands if it can fully replace my do it yourself cleaner and Daiso Brush Cleaner combination. Until then, I will use this and my do it yourself for awhile.


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