Do I Have Any Life Changing Choice To Make Any Time Soon?
Actually, I do have one and I already started this month of July. I really wanted to lose weight this half of the year. I have never been motivated now compared to before. I am not conscious on what I eat before specially that I really eat what I want to eat. Everybody knows that. Even my boyfriend does not believe me that I am really serious on my weight loss plan right now. I do not know what changed but I am feeling different right now. I guess I will just have to prove him wrong. I am not aiming for a model's body but I wanted to get back in shape. One step at a time.
As of this month, I am already limiting my intake of food and I am currently practicing the military diet. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I will be able to enroll again for a fitness gym. So wish me luck my readers.
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